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    United States History
    Acknowledgements united_states_history_acknowledge.html
    Source: United States Information Agency


          An Outline of American History is one of the oldest continuing publications of the United States Information Agency (USIA). The first edition (1949-50) was produced under the editorship of Francis Whitney, first of the State Department Office of International Information and later of the U.S. Information Agency. Richard Hofstadter, professor of history at Columbia University, and Wood Gray, professor of American history at The George Washington University, served as academic consultants. D. Steven Endsley of Berkeley, California, prepared additional material. It has been updated and revised extensively over the years by, among others, Keith W. Olsen, professor of American history at the University of Maryland, and Nathan Glick, writer and former editor of the USIA journal, Dialogue. Alan Winkler, professor of history at Miami University (Ohio), wrote the post-World War II Chapters for the current edition, and the entire volume has been extensively revised by the staff editors listed here.


          Editor: Howard Cincotta

          Contributing Editors (alphabetical): Deborah M.S. Brown, Stephen Burant, Michelle Green, Jeanne S. Holden, Richard Marshall

          Design: Barbara Morgan

          NOTE: The information regarding the United States on this page is re-published from United States Information Agency. No claims are made regarding the accuracy of United States History information contained here. All suggestions for corrections of any errors about American History should be addressed to the United States Information Agency

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