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    United States History
    Brief Reading List in American History
    Source: United States Information Agency


        (*Denotes hardcover edition.)


        Ahlstrom, Sydney E. A Religious History of the American People, Yale University Press,1972


        Albanese, Catherine *America: Religions and Religion, Wadsworth Publishing Co., 1992


        Allen, Frederick L. The Big Change: America Transforms Itself, 1900-1950, Harper & Row,1986


        Ambrose, Stephen E. Eisenhower (2 vols.) Vol. 1: Soldier, General of the Army, President-Elect, 1890-1952 Vol. 2: The President, Simon & Schuster,1985


        Ambrose, Stephen E. Rise to Globalism: American Foreign Policy Since 1938, 6th rev. ed., Viking Penguin, 1991


        Ashworth, John Agrarians & Aristocrats: Party Political Ideology in the UnitedStates, 1837-1846, Cambridge University Press, 1987


        Badger, Anthony The New Deal: The Depression Years, 1933-1940, Hill & Wang, 1989


        Bailyn, Bernard Faces of Revolution: Personalities and Themes in the Struggle for American Independence, Random House, Inc., 1992


        Bailyn, Bernard Ideological Origins of the American Revolution, Harvard University Press, 1967


        Bailyn, Bernard, Robert Dallek, David B. Davis, David H. Donald, John L. Thomas and Gordon S. Wood


        The Great Republic: A History of the American People (2 vols.), 3d ed., D.C. Heath, Co., 1985


        Banner, Lois W. Elizabeth Cady Stanton: A Radical for Woman's Rights, Scott Foresman, 1987


        Beisner, Robert L. From the Old Diplomacy to the New, 1865-1900, 2d ed., Harlan Davidson, 1986


        Berlin, Ira Slaves Without Masters: The Free Negro in the Antebellum South, New Press NY, 1992

        Billington, Ray A. The Far Western Frontier, 1830-1860, HarperCollins, 1962


        Blum, John Morton The Progressive Presidents: Theodore Roosevelt, Woodrow Wilson, Franklin D. Roosevelt, Lyndon B. Johnson, W.W. Norton & Co., Inc., 1982


        Blum, John Morton V Was for Victory: Politics and American Culture During World War II, Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, Inc., 1977


        Blumenthal, Sidney and Thomas Edsall The Reagan Legacy: A Nation Adrift, Pantheon Books, 1988


        Bodnar, John The Transplanted: A History of Immigrants in Urban America, Indiana University Press, 1985


        Boorstin, Daniel J. *The Americans (3 vols.): Vol. 1: The Colonial Experience Vol. 2: The Democratic Experience Vol. 3: The National Experience, Random House, Inc., 1975


        Bowen, Catherine Drinker Miracle At Philadelphia: The Story of the Constitutional Convention, Little, Brown & Co., 1986


        Boyer, Paul and Steven Nissenbaum Salem Possessed: The Social Origins of Witchcraft, Harvard University Press, 1974


        Branch, Taylor Parting the Waters: America in the King Years, 1954-1963, Simon & Schuster, 1989


        Bridenbaugh, Carl Jamestown, 1544-1699, Oxford University Press, 1980


        Brodie, Fawn M. Richard Nixon: The Shaping of His Character, Harvard University Press, 1983


        Brown, Dee Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee: An Indian History of the American West, Henry Holt & Co., 1991


        Burner, David John F. Kennedy and A New Generation, Scott Foresman & Co., 1988


        Cannon, Lou President Reagan: The Role of A Lifetime, Simon & Schuster, 1992


        Chafe, William H. The Unfinished Journey: America Since World War II, 2d ed., Oxford University Press, 1991


        Chase, Gilbert *America's Music: From the Pilgrims to the Present, 3d rev. ed., University of Illinois Press, 1987


        Cochran, Thomas C. Frontiers of Change: Early Industrialism in America, Oxford University Press, 1981

        Cott, Nancy F. *The Grounding of Modern Feminism, Yale University Press, 1987


        Craven, Wayne and Richard Martin Two Hundred Years of American Art: The Munson-Williams Proctor Institute, University of Washington Press, 1987


        Craven, Wesley F. The Southern Colonies in the Seventeenth Century, 1607-1689. Louisiana State University Press, 1949


        Dallek, Robert Franklin D. Roosevelt and American Foreign Policy, 1932-1945, Oxford University Press, 1979


        Dangerfield, George The Awakening of American Nationalism, 1815-1828, HarperCollins, 1965


        Degler, Carl N. Out of Our Past: The Forces That Shaped Modern America, 3d ed., Harper & Row, 1984


        Deloria, Vine Jr. American Indian Policy in the Twentieth Century, University of Oklahoma Press, 1992


        De Tocqueville, Alexis (Thomas Bender et al., eds.) Democracy in America, McGraw-Hill, Inc., 1981


        De Voto, Bernard, ed. The Journals of Lewis and Clark, Houghton Mifflin, 1973


        Diggins, John P. Proud Decades: America in War & Peace, 1941-1960, W.W. Norton & Co., Inc., 1989


        Dinnerstein, Leonard, Roger Nichols and David M. Reimers Natives and Strangers: Blacks, Indians and Immigrants in America, 2d. ed., Oxford University Press, 1990


        Divine, Robert The Cuban Missile Crisis, 2d rev. ed., Wiener Publishing, Inc., 1988


        Divine, Robert *Eisenhower and Sputnik, Oxford University Press, 1993


        Douglass, Frederick The Life and Times of Frederick Douglass: The Complete Autobiography, Macmillan Publishing Co., 1962


        Draper, Theodore A Very Thin Line: The Iran-Contra Affairs, rev. ed., Simon & Schuster, 1992


        DuBois, Ellen C. Feminism and Suffrage: The Emergence of an Independent Women's Movement in America, 1848-1869, Cornell University Press, 1978


        DuBois, W.E.B. Black Reconstruction in America, 1860-1880, Macmillan Publishing Co., 1992


        Durham, Philip and Everett L. Jones The Negro Cowboys, University of Nebraska Press, 1983

        Fearon, Peter War, Prosperity and Depression: The U.S. Economy, 1917-1945, University Press of Kansas, 1988


        Ferrell, Robert H. Harry S. Truman and the Modern American Presidency, Scott Foresman, 1987


        Ferrell, Robert H. Woodrow Wilson and World War I, 1917-1921, HarperCollins, 1986


        Fitzgerald, Frances Fire in the Lake: The Vietnamese and the Americans in Vietnam, Random House, Inc., 1989


        Flexner, Eleanor Century of Struggle: The Women's Rights Movement in the United States, rev. ed., Belknap Press, 1975


        Flexner, James T. Washington: The Indispensable Man, New American Library, 1984


        Foner, Eric Free Soil, Free Labor, Free Men: The Ideology of the Republican Party Before the Civil War, Oxford University Press, 1970


        Foner, Eric Reconstruction: America's Unfinished Revolution, 1863-1877, HarperCollins, 1989


        Foote, Shelby The Civil War: A Narrative (3 vols.), Random House, Inc., 1986 Franklin, John H. and Alfred A. Moss Jr. From Slavery to Freedom: A History of Negro Americans, 6th ed., Alfred A. Knopf, 1987


        Frederickson, George M. The Black Image in the White Mind: The Debate on Afro-American Character & Destiny, 1817-1914, University Press of New England, 1987


        Freehling, William W. *The Road to Disunion: Secessionists At Bay, 1776-1854, Oxford University Press, 1990


        Freeland, Richard M. *The Truman Doctrine & the Origins of McCarthyism: Foreign Policy, Domestic Policy & Internal Security, 1946-1948, New York University Press, 1985


        Freidel, Frank Franklin D. Roosevelt: Rendezvous with Destiny, Little, Brown & Co., 1991


        Fried, Richard M. Nightmare in Red: The McCarthy Era in Perspective, Oxford University Press, 1991


        Friedman, Lawrence M. American Law: An Introduction, W.W. Norton & Co., 1985


        Galbraith, John Kenneth The Great Crash of 1929, Houghton Mifflin, 1988


        Garrow, David J. Bearing the Cross: Martin Luther King Jr. & the Southern Christian Leadership Conference, Random House, Inc., 1987


        Genovese, Eugene D. Roll, Jordon, Roll: The World the Slaves Made, Random House, Inc., 1976


        Goodwin, Doris K. Lyndon Johnson and the American Dream, St. Martin Press., 1991


        Graebner, Norman A. America As A World Power: A Realist Appraisal from Wilson to Reagan, Scholarly Resources, Inc., 1984


        Graham, Otis L. Jr. The Great Campaigns: Reform and War in America, 1900-1928, abridged ed., Krieger Publishing Co., 1987


        Greenstein, Fred I. and Frank B. Feigert The American Party System and the American People, rev. 3d ed., Prentice-Hall, 1985


        Halberstam, David The Best and the Brightest, Fawcett Books, 1993


        Hamilton, Alexander, James Madison and John Jay The Federalist Papers, Bantam Books, 1982


        Handlin, Oscar The Uprooted, 2d ed., Little, Brown & Co., 1973


        Herring, George C. America's Longest War: The United States and Vietnam, 1950-1975, 2d ed., McGraw-Hill, Inc., 1986


        Hofstadter, Richard The Age of Reform: From Bryan to FDR, Random House, Inc., 1960


        Hofstadter, Richard The Idea of A Party System: The Rise of Legitimate Opposition in the United States, 1780-1840, University of California Press, 1969


        Hogan, Michael J. The Marshall Plan: America, Britain, & the Reconstruction of Western Europe, 1947-1952, Cambridge University Press, 1989


        Howe, Daniel W. The Political Culture of the American Whigs, University of Chicago Press, 1984


        Huggins, Nathan I. Harlem Renaissance, Oxford University Press, 1971


        Janda, Kenneth, Jeffrey M. Berry, Jerry Goldman, eds. The Challenge of Democracy: Government in America, 3d ed., Houghton Mifflin, 1992


        Jennings, Francis Empire of Fortune: Crowns, Colonies and Tribes in the Seven Years' War in America, W.W. Norton & Co., Inc., 1990


        Johannsen, Robert W. To the Halls of the Montezumas: The Mexican War in the American Imagination, Oxford University Press, 1984


        Johnson, Haynes *Sleepwalking Through History: America Through the Reagan Years, W.W. Norton & Co., Inc., 1991


        Jones, Landon Great Expectations: America and the Baby Boom Generation, Ballantine Books, 1986


        Jordan, Winthrop D. White Over Black: American Attitudes Toward the Negro, 1550-1812, W.W. Norton & Co., Inc., 1977


        Karnow, Stanley Vietnam: A History, Viking Penguin, 1991


        Keegan, John The Second World War, Viking Penguin, 1990


        Kennan, George F. American Diplomacy, 1900-1950, University of Chicago Press, 1985


        Kerber, Linda K. Women of the Republic: Intellect & Ideology in Revolutionary America, W.W. Norton & Co., Inc., 1986


        Kindleberger, Charles P. The World in Depression: 1929-1939, rev. ed., University of California Press, 1986


        Kraut, Alan M. The Huddled Masses: The Immigrant in American Society, 1880-1921, Harlan Davidson, 1982


        Kutler, Stanley I. The Wars of Watergate: The Last Crisis of Richard Nixon, W.W. Norton & Co., Inc., 1992


        LaFeber, Walter America, Russia, and the Cold War, 4th ed., McGraw-Hill, Inc., 1987


        Lavender, David The Way to the Western Sea: Lewis and Clark Across the Continent, Doubleday, 1990


        Lincoln, Abraham (Don E. Fehrenbacher, ed.) Speeches and Writings (2 vols.): Vol. 1: 1832-1858 Vol. 2: 1859-1864 Library of America, 1989


        Link, Arthur S. Woodrow Wilson and the Progressive Era, 1910-1917, HarperCollins, 1963


        Livesay, Harold Andrew Carnegie and the Rise of Big Business, Scott Foresman, 1987


        Livesay, Harold Samuel Gompers and Organized Labor in America, Scott Foresman, 1987


        Long, Richard A. and Eugenia W. Collier, eds. *Afro-American Writing: An Anthology of Prose and Poetry, 2d ed., Pennsylvania State University Press, 1985


        Malone, Dumas Thomas Jefferson and His Time (6 vols.), Little, Brown & Co., Inc., 1948-1981

        Manchester, William American Caesar: Douglas MacArthur, 1880-1964, Dell Books, 1983


        Manchester, William Death of a President: November 1963, HarperCollins, 1988


        Marable, Manning W.E.B. Du Bois: Black Radical Democrat, Macmillan Publishing Co., 1987


        Marsden, George M. Religion and American Culture, Harcourt Brace Jovanovich College Publications, 1990


        McCullough, David *Truman, Simon & Schuster, 1992


        McDonald, Forrest Alexander Hamilton: A Biography, W.W. Norton & Co., Inc., 1982


        McFarland, Gerald W., ed. *Mugwumps, Morals and Politics, 1884-1920, University of Massachusetts Press, 1975


        McPherson, James Battle Cry of Freedom: The Era of the Civil War, Ballantine Books, 1989


        Miller, John C. The Federalist Era, 1789-1800, HarperCollins, 1963


        Miller, Perry G. The Transcendentalists: An Anthology, Harvard University Press, 1950 Montgomery, David The Fall of the House of Labor: The Workplace, the State, and American Labor Activism, 1865-1925, Cambridge University Press, 1989


        Morris, Richard B. *The Peacemakers: The Great Powers and American Independence, Northeastern University Press, 1983


        Murphy, Francis, ed. Of Plymouth Plantation, 1620-1647, McGraw-Hill, 1981


        Murray, Charles Losing Ground: American Social Policy, 1950-1980, Basic Books, 1986


        Nash, Gary B. Red, White and Black: The Peoples of Early North America, 3d ed., Prentice-Hall, 1991


        Nash, Gary B. et al. The American People: Creating A Nation and A Society, (2 vols.), 2d ed., HarperCollins, 1990


        Neustadt, Richard E. Presidential Power: The Politics of Leadership from FDR to Carter, Macmillan Publishing Co., 1980


        Nevins, Allan Ordeal of the Union (4 vols.), Macmillan Publishing Co., 1992


        Oates, Stephen B. With Malice Toward None: The Life of Abraham Lincoln, NAL-Dutton, 1978


        Oates, Stephen B. Let the Trumpet Sound: The Life of Martin Luther King Jr., NAL-Dutton, 1983


        Patrick, Rembert *Jefferson Davis and His Cabinet, AMS Press, 1944


        Parrish, Thomas *Roosevelt and Marshall, McGraw-Hill Publishing Co., 1989


        Perkins, George; E. Sculley Bradley; Richmond Beatty and E. Hudson Long The American Tradition in Literature, 7th ed., McGraw-Hill, 1989


        Perman, Michael Emancipation and Reconstruction, 1862-1879, Harlan Davidson, 1987


        Peterson, Merrill D. Thomas Jefferson & the New Nation: A Biography, Oxford University Press, 1986


        Prange, Gordon W. At Dawn We Slept: The Untold Story of Pearl Harbor, Viking Penguin, 1982


        Quarles, Benjamin The Negro in the Civil War, Da Capo, 1989


        Reeves, Thomas C. The Life and Times of Joe McCarthy, Madison Books UPA, 1983


        Remini, Robert V. Andrew Jackson, HarperCollins, 1969


        Rodgers, Daniel T. The Work Ethic in Industrial America, 1850-1920, University of Chicago Press, 1979


        Royster, Charles A Revolutionary People at War: The Continental Army & American Character, 1775-1783, W.W. Norton & Co., Inc., 1982


        Schlesinger, Arthur M. Jr. Age of Roosevelt: The Coming of the New Deal, Houghton Mifflin Co., 1959


        Schlesinger, Arthur M. Jr. The Crisis of the Old Order, Houghton Mifflin Co., 1988


        Schlesinger, Arthur M. Jr. The Politics of Upheaval, Houghton Mifflin Co., 1988


        Schlesinger, Arthur M. Jr. Robert Kennedy and His Times, Ballantine Books, Inc., 1985


        Schlesinger, Arthur M. Jr. The Age of Jackson, Little, Brown & Co., 1988


        Scully, Vincent American Architecture and Urbanism, rev. ed., Henry Holt & Co., 1988


        Sellers, Charles, Henry May and Neil R. McMillen A Synopsis of American History, 7th rev. & comb. ed., Ivan R. Dee, 1992


        Sheehan, Neil A Bright Shining Lie: John Paul Vann and America in Vietnam, Random House, Inc., 1989


        Sitkoff, Harvard The Struggle for Black Equality, 1954-1980, Hill & Wang, 1981 Smith, Adam *The Roaring '80s, Summit Books, 1988


        Stegner, Wallace E. The Gathering of Zion: The Story of the Mormon Trail, University of Nebraska Press, 1992


        Stewart, James B. Holy Warriors: The Abolitionists and American Slavery, Hill & Wang, 1976


        Sundquist, James L. Politics and Policy: The Eisenhower, Kennedy, and Johnson Years, Brookings Institution, 1968


        Thomas, Emory M. The Confederate Nation 1861-1865, HarperCollins, 1981


        Tindall, George B. and David E. Shi America: A Narrative History, 3d ed., W.W. Norton & Co., Inc., 1992


        Tindall, George B. The Emergence of the New South, 1913-1945, Louisiana State University Press, 1967


        Toffler, Alvin Future Shock, Bantam Books, 1971


        Toland, John Infamy, Doubleday, 1992


        Trachtenberg, Alan The Incorporation of America: Culture & Society in the Gilded Age, Hill & Wang, Inc., 1982


        Trask, David F. The War with Spain in 1898, Macmillan Publishing Co., 1981


        Utley, Jonathan G. Going to War with Japan, 1937-1941, University of Tennessee Press, 1985


        Utley, Robert M. The Last Days of the Sioux Nation, Yale University Press, 1963


        Van Deusen, Glyndon G. The Jacksonian Era, 1828-1848, Waveland Press, 1992


        Van Deusen, Glyndon G. The Life of Henry Clay, Greenwood Press, 1979


        Van Doren, Carl Benjamin Franklin, Viking Penguin, 1991


        Viorist, Milton Fire in the Streets: America in the 1960s, Simon & Schuster, 1981 Walters, Ronald G. American Reformers, 1815-1860, Hill & Wang, 1978


        Washburn, Wilcomb E. The Indian in America, HarperCollins, 1981

        White, Theodore H. America in Search of Itself: The Making of the President 1956-1980, Warner Books, 1988


        Wilkinson, J. Harvie From Brown to Bakke: The Supreme Court and School Integration, 1954-1978, Oxford University Press, 1979


        Wittner, Lawrence S. Cold War America: From Hiroshima to Watergate, Harcourt Brace Jovanovich College Publications, 1978


        Wolfe, Tom The Right Stuff, Bantam Books, 1984


        Woodward, C. Vann The Strange Career of Jim Crow, 3d rev. ed., Oxford University Press, 1974


        Woodward, Bob and Carl Bernstein All the President's Men, Simon & Schuster, 1987


        York, Neil L. Toward a More Perfect Union: Six Essays on the Constitution, State University of New York Press, 1988


        NOTE: The information regarding the United States on this page is re-published from United States Information Agency. No claims are made regarding the accuracy of United States History information contained here. All suggestions for corrections of any errors about American History should be addressed to the United States Information Agency

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