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    Barbados Chiefs of State 2001
      Governor General Husbands, Clifford, Sir
      Prime Minister Arthur, Owen
      Dep. Prime Min. Miller, Billie
      Min. of Agriculture & Rural Development Wood, Anthony
      Min. of Commerce, Consumer Affairs, & Business Development Toppin, Ronald
      Min. of Defense & Security Arthur, Owen
      Min. of Economic Affairs Arthur, Owen
      Min. of Education, Youth Affairs, & Culture Murray, Glyne
      Min. of Environment, Energy, & Natural Resources Eastmond, Rawle
      Min. of Finance Arthur, Owen
      Min. of Foreign Affairs Miller, Billie
      Min. of Foreign Trade Miller, Billie
      Min. of Health Goddard, Phillip
      Min. of Home Affairs Mottley, Mia
      Min. of Housing & Lands Clarke, Gline
      Min. of Industry & International Business Farley, Reginald
      Min. of Information Arthur, Owen
      Min. of Labor, Sports, & Public Sector Reform Greenidge, Rudolph
      Min. of Public Works & Transportation Marshall, Rommel
      Min. of Social Transformation Lashley, Hamilton
      Min. of State Toppin, Ronald
      Min. of Tourism & International Transport Lynch, Noel Anderson
      Attorney General Mottley, Mia
      Governor, Central Bank Williams, Marion
      Ambassador to the US King, Michael
      Permanent Representative to the UN, New York Clarke, June Yvonne

      NOTE: The information regarding Barbados on this page is re-published from the 2001 World Fact Book of the United States Central Intelligence Agency. No claims are made regarding the accuracy of Barbados Gov. Leaders 2001 information contained here. All suggestions for corrections of any errors about Barbados Gov. Leaders 2001 should be addressed to the CIA.

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