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    Romania Chiefs of State 2001
      President Iliescu, Ion
      Prime Minister Nastase, Adrian
      Dep. Prime Min.  
      Dep. Prime Min.  
      Dep. Prime Min.  
      Dep. Prime Min.  
      Min. of Agriculture & Food Sarbu, Illie
      Min. of Communication & Information Technology Nica, Dan
      Min. of Culture Theodorescu, Razvan
      Min. of Defense Pascu, Ioan Mircea
      Min. Del. for National Minorities Eckstein-Kovacs, Peter
      Min. of Education Andronescu, Ecaterina
      Min. of European Integration Puwak, Hildergard Carola
      Min. of Finance Tanasescu, Mihai Nicolae
      Min. of Foreign Affairs Geoana, Mircea Dan
      Min. of Health Bartos, Daniela
      Min. of Industry & Resources Popescu, Dan Ioan
      Min. of Interior Rus, Ioan
      Min. of Justice Stanoiu, Rodica Mihaela
      Min. of Labor & Social Protection Sarbu, Marian
      Min. of Public Administration Cozmanca, Octav
      Min. of Public Works, Transport & Housing Mitrea, Miron Tudor
      Min. of Tourism Agathon, Dan Matei
      Min. of Waters & Environmental Protection Ilie, Aurel Constantin
      Min. of Youth & Sports Gingaras, Giorgiu
      Chmn., Romanian National Bank Isarescu, Mugur
      Ambassador to the US Geoana, Mircea
      Permanent Representative to the UN, New York Niculescu, Alexandru

      NOTE: The information regarding Romania on this page is re-published from the 2001 World Fact Book of the United States Central Intelligence Agency. No claims are made regarding the accuracy of Romania Gov. Leaders 2001 information contained here. All suggestions for corrections of any errors about Romania Gov. Leaders 2001 should be addressed to the CIA.

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