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    Slovakia Chiefs of State 2001
      President Schuster, Rudolf
      Prime Minister Dzurinda, Mikulas
      Dep. Prime Min. Csaky, Pal
      Dep. Prime Min. Fogas, Lubomir
      Dep. Prime Min. Kadlecikova, Maria
      Dep. Prime Min. Miklos, Ivan
      Min. of Agriculture Koncos, Pavel
      Min. of Construction & Regional Development Harna, Istvan
      Min. of Culture Knazko, Milan
      Min. of Defense Stank, Jozef
      Min. of Economy Harach, Lubomir
      Min. of Education Ftacnik, Milan
      Min. of Environment Miklos, Laszlo
      Min. of Finance Schmognerova, Brigita
      Min. of Foreign Affairs Kukan, Eduard
      Min. of Health Kovac, Roman
      Min. of Interior Simko, Ivan
      Min. of Justice Carnogursky, Jan
      Min. of Labor Magvasi, Peter
      Min. of Privatization Machova, Maria
      Min. of Transportation, Post, & Telecommunications Macejko, Jozef
      Governor, Central Bank of Slovakia Jusko, Marian
      Chief of General Staff Cerovsky, Milan
      Ambassador to NATO Burian, Peter
      Ambassador to the US Butora, Martin
      Permanent Representative to the UN, New York Tomka, Peter

      NOTE: The information regarding Slovakia on this page is re-published from the 2001 World Fact Book of the United States Central Intelligence Agency. No claims are made regarding the accuracy of Slovakia Gov. Leaders 2001 information contained here. All suggestions for corrections of any errors about Slovakia Gov. Leaders 2001 should be addressed to the CIA.

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