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    Niger Chiefs of State 2001
      President Tandja, Mamadou
      Prime Minister Amadou, Hama
      Min. of Agriculture Boukari, Wassalke
      Min. of Animal Resources Maoude, Koroney
      Min. of Basic Education Ibrahim, Ari
      Min. of Commerce & Promotion of the Private Sector Oumarou, Seyni
      Min. of Defense Gaoh, Sabiou Dady
      Min. of Environment, Water Resources, & Decertification Control Namata, Adamou
      Min. of Finance & Planning Gamatie, Ali Badjo
      Min. of Foreign Affairs, Cooperation, & African Integration Mindaoudou, Aichatou
      Min. of Health Komma, Ibrahim
      Min. of Housing & Territorial Development Labo, Abdou
      Min. of Interior & Decentralization Amadou, Laouali
      Min. of Justice & Human Rights Moussa, Maty El-Hadji
      Min. of Labor & Civil Service Kasseye, Moussa Seybou
      Min. of Mines & Energy Ibrahim, Tampone
      Min. of Privatization & Enterprise Restructuring Fatima, Trapsida
      Min. of Public Works Mireille, Ausseil
      Min. of Rural Development Boukary, Wassalke
      Min. of Secondary Education Salissou, Sala Habi
      Min. of Small Business Development Bonto, Souley Hassane dit
      Min. of Social Development Foumakoye, Nana Aichatou
      Min. of Sports & Culture Lamine, Issa
      Min. of Tourism Boula, Rhissa Ag
      Min. of Transportation & Communication Mahamane, Mamane Sani Malam
      Min. of Youth Bonto, Hassane Souley
      Ambassador to the US Diatta, Joseph
      Permanent Representative to the UN, New York Moutari, Ousmane

      NOTE: The information regarding Niger on this page is re-published from the 2001 World Fact Book of the United States Central Intelligence Agency. No claims are made regarding the accuracy of Niger Gov. Leaders 2001 information contained here. All suggestions for corrections of any errors about Niger Gov. Leaders 2001 should be addressed to the CIA.

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